I got into nursing school at Baptist Health in Little Rock!
After 3 months of discussions, Aaron got the job offer we had been praying he would get! Happiness is an understatement.
It was driving me nuts keeping everything secret, but I finally decided to tell my friends a few weeks ago. We had already told our families but that was all we wanted to tell until we knew more!
Now there is some pressure to find a place to live. This has been a regular conversation in our home over the past month:
"I think we should just get an apartment and save for a little bit longer until we find a house in an area that we really want to live." (the most logical, right?)
"I think we should just go ahead and get a house since we know we want to live in LR for a long time!"
"So...I have decided that a house is probably not the best idea for us right now..."
"I've decided we should get a house. Maybe even a fixer-upper!"
(excuse me, what?!)
etc. etc.
So if you haven't figured it out, Aaron is the indecisive one. I have gone into super supportive wifey mode about all of this. I know that buying a house right now is probably not in our best interest. I also know that he is sick and tired of living in an apartment where we have to deal with maintenance men, loud neighbors and their annoying/always barking dogs, and the occasional hood rats that like to bump their bass systems in their pimped out trucks while sitting in their driveways. I also understand why paying rent each month is a pain and with a house you are at least putting your money towards something that *YOU* own.
I told him the other day that if we had to live in a mobile home to get by, I would, because at least we would be together. I know that sounds cheesy but it's the truth. I just want him to be happy and I know that I'm happiest with him. I also know that he would never make me live in a mobile home. ;)
(not that there's anything wrong with that)
The most recent update is that my parents GRACIOUSLY offered to let us move into their house in Bryant (which is currently for sale) for the time being so that we aren't rushed into a move that we aren't ready to make.
Perks: only would have to pay utilities and keep the house nice for viewing, & Marley would have a yard :)
Downside: wouldn't be OURS and I wouldn't be able to decorate anything because we would potentially live there for 1 month or 6. You never know.
Aaron and I have decided that we think that's the best option. We could really save a lot and Bryant is actually closer than North Little Rock (where we had previously been looking).
I just have to say that even thought it's not MY ideal situation, God has definitely provided. I literally had nights where I got 4 or less hours of sleep because my mind was racing about the "What Ifs". I am so thankful that things have worked out the way that they have. I am also so thankful for my parents, who have been SO helpful and supportive this whole time, for friends that are encouraging, and for all those who have sent up prayers for us.
Thank goodness for family and friends.
Have a happy weekend!