Saturday, March 19, 2016

26 Weeks & a Glucose Test

I was supposed to have my glucose test when I was 25 weeks, but due to my OB being out of the office that week and my personal work schedule conflicts, we had to move it around last minute.  I was 26 weeks when I did the "dreaded" glucose test. 

That's one of the (many) things that my friends have said they disliked about this whole process.  I personally didn't think it was all that bad. :)

Back at 20 wks, they gave me the "glucola" drink to take home in preparation for my next visit. By the way, the whole "glucola" title is some BS…ain't no cola up in there! It tastes more like a syrup that you need to mix water with before making a picture of some disgusting punch.  I picked fruit punch as my flavor and was pleasantly surprised that I didn't immediately GAG while drinking it.

You have to drink this small bottle of glucose drink over 5 minutes. I chugged mine in about 2 minutes. Ain't nobody got time for dat. 

Then I went to the hospital and waited. They finally called me back, they drew some blood, and my OB came in my room to do a quick assessment. Thankfully we are measuring spot-on at 26 weeks! :) Praise the Lord!

After my appointment, I met up with my mom for some shopping and lunch.  I actually had not eaten all day because I was told to fast for my test.  Talk about cruel and unusual punishment for a preggo.

After we shopped around some, I was feeling a little on the weak side, so we finally got some grub.  We have been frequenting a place in town called Chuy's.  It's mexican and one of baby boy's favorites….. ;) Needless to say, I CHOWED down.  Mama & Baby Boy like!!!

I feel like my days revolve around when I'm going to sleep, pee, and eat food. LOL!

After a few days, the doctor's office didn't call, so I am assuming that means that I passed! Yippee!! That's just one more thing to check off the list before our sweet boy gets here. 

I can't wait :) 

'Tis the Season, 
