Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Rainfall, Scratches, and Growing Up

Friday, the 9th of October, is a day that will "live in infamy" in the Nicholson household.

Let's start from the beginning, or really, about 6 months ago.

Aaron drives a Toyota Prius. We LOVE the Prius. But it's "ode" (as my brother Joshua would say) and it has over 200,000 miles on it.  We have made a lot of good memories in that car.  A. LOT.

The Prius has been acting its age this past year.  It is having issues with the oil, with the speedometer, and TURNING ON AND OFF.

Yes, you read that correctly. The dang car will sometimes not turn on and will sometimes not turn off.


Needless to say, we (by "we" I mean "Aaron") have been looking at cars (24/7) and trying to make a budget so that we may be able to smartly purchase said car.  Our 2nd biggest purchase with the first being our house, but our first biggest purchase without any "help" from our families.

So fast forward to this past week.  Aaron got ALL excited because he had found "The Car," had been watching it for a couple of weeks, decided it was worth checking out, and called me at work to tell me about it.  Of course, I don't normally have my phone on, so he left a voicemail, and when I saw it on my lunch break, I automatically assumed something was majorly wrong. :|

He tells me about "The Car" and how he has decided to take off work on Friday and have to two of us drive up there and check it out.

This was Tuesday.

By Wednesday afternoon, he has talked to our bank about financing and has it all lined out.  The boy does not waste any time. He also had put down a (refundable) deposit to "hold" the car for us until we could check it out in person.

Friday morning we headed to Muskogee, Oklahoma.  Yes, OKLAHOMA. It a little over 3 hours away, because, we live in Arkansas.  And "The Car" is in Oklahoma. (insert eye roll #1)

Oh and did I mention it was RAINING? (insert eye roll #2)

OH. OH. Did I mention that Aaron we rented a car to drive up there? Because we were worried about taking our actual daily drivers (mainly the Prius) on a long road trip. (eye roll #3)

I love my husband. :)

So we get to Muskogee, OK and your stereotypical car salespeople are out front, and a few of them are smoking…in front of the door…the entrance to their business...I mean really? But that's another rant for another day.

We meet the salesman that Aaron has been in cahoots with communicating with all week.  He pulls the car around and it is beautiful. But my husband, being ever so picky thorough, walks around and around and around the car, gets on the ground by the car, mashes all the buttons in the car, and asks the salesman as many questions as he could think of.

I am so thankful that he was so thorough.

We both test drove "The Car" and, no surprise, it drove like a dream.

Then Aaron requested to check out the car OUT of the rain (gasp!) and to see it dried off (gasp!).

You would think he would have asked them to cut out their kidney. We waited and waited and waited.

They finally called us back to the back garage to see the car.  Aaron walked around and around and around and laid on the ground to look under the car (yes, I regret not taking any pictures).

Guess what we saw?

SCRATCHES.  The whole back bumper. Superficial, but still. Not the point.  Aaron was NOT having that.

He went into competitive deal maker mode. I love seeing that side of him.  I know that we would be in good hands because my Aaron David is not going to make a financial decision that he is not 110% sure about or that he can't afford. He reminds me of my Dad in a lot of ways. ;)

Long story short…because believe me, it was a LONG day in Muskogee.

The dealership manager came and talked with us, because we were going to walk away from "The Car," and said he would refer us to his personal body shop (eye roll #10 at this point) and that he would personally take care of whatever repairs necessary that the body shop could do to fix this car for us.

We went to McDonalds in Muskogee (never again) and talked it over. We decided to just go get an assessment at the body shop, and if they couldn't give us what we wanted, we would walk.

The body shop was the highlight of the day. They were surprisingly friendly and wonderful and by the end of our 3 hours there (yes 3 hours), I was best friends with the secretary and she told me ALL about her family and her two dogs and showed me ALL of her pictures on her phone.

Aaron was in the back with the workers, so I don't really know what all went down, but I do know that when my husband walked back in the front door of the body shop, he had the biggest smile I had seen on his face all day, heck, all week. That's when my attitude went to slightly bummed about probably not getting "The Car" to slightly optimistic.  Aaron told them exactly what he wanted done and somehow got it all fixed and all expenses were covered by the dealership. "The Car" looks brand spankin new.

Oh, wait, didn't I say long story short? ;)

We got the car.  I will spare you any more details.  Just know that I am tickled that Aaron is so tickled and I am thankful that God has provided Aaron and I with two great jobs and that we were able to get a great deal on "The Car".

I'm pretty sure that dealership will never want to rumble with Aaron Nicholson ever again.  I love my picky husband.

Here's to growing up!

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