Monday, March 26, 2012

Reunited & Back to Reality

Can I just say that I am SO HAPPY to be back in Fayetteville with Aaron and Marley. 

"Back to life, back to re-al-i-ty..."

Okay, I'm done. 

I never notice how much I love having a routine until I am not having one.

That kind of makes sense doesn't it?

Oh well...I do not care. 

I was so happy to get back home that.....I immediately started on laundry! (I live an exciting life, no?)

I was just so happy to be back with my two main guys that it didn't matter if I was washing smelly work clothes or trying to find lost sock mates. I was HOME and that's all that really mattered. My husband and I had goofy grins on our face and we kept telling each other how glad we were to be back together. Ahhh...young love. :)

This morning I woke up and realized that it's "back to life, back to re-al-i-ty" (okay, NOW I'm done). I had class and a pile of my vacation laundry to do. Once I got home from class, I plopped myself down on the couch and worked on my Microbiology lab book for over three hours. Then I did my laundry (PTL I am almost finished!) and am currently back on the couch awaiting the husband's arrival. I haven't been to get any new groceries since I've been home (slacking, I know) so it was either take-out or soup. It's a bit warm for soup and so Aaron offered to pick something up for us on his way home. I told him to surprise me....sooo fingers-crossed! Who knows what he'll bring home. 

I'm pretty proud of him actually. 

He worked all week without complaining while my fat butt sat on a beach AND he took great care of Marley :) He also did a load of dishes while I was gone AND yesterday he took me to go see The Hunger Games movie that I have been dying to see, even though it was packed (even though we got there a little early)!

I am thankful to have married a great man. 

(Sidenote: This post has been difficult to type seeing as I have a small fur ball LAID OUT on my right arm. Just thought you should know.)

Anyways...I am ready to tackle this week and get it over with! This weekend is one of my best friend's Bachelorette party and then she and her fiancé have a couples shower the next day! So excited for them and so excited to be reunited with some of my best friends! Which reminds me...I need to make a list for this weekend. I like making lists these days so that we don't forget what we need to bring (even though sometimes we still forget). 

My stomach is officially growling...actually it's more of a dying animal noise. If Aaron doesn't get here soon, I may demolish the bag of PB M&M's that my grandmother INSISTED on giving me -I had to take them, right?- that is sitting in my fridge (yes, fridge, I like them cold).


1 comment:

  1. As much as I was dreading going back to school today, I sure was ready for me & lil man to get back in to our normal routine! It's funny how that works! ;)
