Monday, July 4, 2016

Our baby boy: Week 2 (7.1.16)

We have made it through another week! Our pediatrician appointment on Monday went well, and we ended up seeing a pediatrician instead of a nurse practitioner, which is what was originally planned. It wasn't the pediatrician who we intended to see, but it worked out well because we go to church with the man we saw! Rhodes passed our appointment with flying colors and weighed 9 lbs 2.2oz! :)

This week was better than last in terms of getting used to our new normal. We've had a few (rare) 4 hour sleep sessions and we praised the Lord for them. We've also had a few (rare) instances where he feels like he needs to eat every 2-2.5 hours, which can wear on a mommy. 

This week Rhodie (what Aaron nicknamed him) is becoming more interactive. He is trying to focus his sweet little eyes on faces and objects (like the living room ceiling fan) and has gone a couple of stretches in between feeds where he is wide awake! It's fun to watch him figure things out. It melts my heart when he studies my face. I just want to kiss all over him!

It's also fun to watch my hubby interact with Rhodes. I love coming into the room and hearing him sing to him (usually something silly and made up) or to look over at them snuggled on the couch. And Marley, our yorkie, isn't usually too far away from his baby brother either.

Rhodie is such a blessing to our lives. He's already changed so much in two weeks! We had our newborn pictures made on Wednesday and I CANNOT WAIT to see how they turned out! I don't know if my heart…or my wallet will be able to take the cuteness! We tried to get Marley to participate in the fun aaaaand it was a borderline disaster. He did NOT want to be in the same space and his new baby brother, which is funny because usually he wants to be right beside Rhodes and whoever is holding him.

Sorry for the shorter post, but he's due to eat in about 5 minutes ;)

'Tis the Season,

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you and Aaron! These early days of parenting are NO JOKE, but y'all are rocking them, working as a team! I'm happy that you are finding time to record Rhodie's growth...and the cute, new things he is doing each week. You think you will remember it all, but you won't. TRUST ME. Write it down. I wish there had been such a thing as blogging, way back when. Keep it up! :)
